How to Use Diverse Styles of Leadership to Grow Your Team In his article “Leadership That Gets Results”, Daniel Goleman, has identified six different leadership styles, and he believes that good leaders will adopt one of these six styles to meet the needs of different situations. Think about it, when you assemble a team, each and every team member brings a set of unique qualities and skills to the table. By bringing this diverse talent pool … [Read more...]
5 Strategies for Overcoming Your Biggest Critic-YOU!
5 Strategies for Overcoming Your Biggest Critic-YOU! The path to achieving your goals can be filled with barriers, big and small, which can slow your progress. Perhaps you lack the confidence necessary to speak in public, or you feel as though you don’t have the skill set required to accomplish the task at hand. Maybe you aren’t able to manage your time effectively or invest the hours you need to perform at your best. Whatever it is, … [Read more...]
Peak Performance – Directing Your Energy Toward What Matters Most
Peak Performance - Directing Your Energy Toward What Matters Most Sure, we’re all aware of the need for renewable energy to fuel our cars, light our homes, power up our MacBooks and keep us comfortable, but the other very real energy shortage comes from within each and every one of us. We need to discover renewable energy for ourselves as well as the planet. How many days a week do you spend playing “beat the clock”? Rushing from meeting to … [Read more...]
Bouncing Back: Ten Resiliency Builders for Making a Good Life Great!
Bouncing Back: Ten Resiliency Builders for Making a Good Life Great! While this is sound advice and the simple secret to persevering toward success, it can be difficult to fall seven times, or hundreds of times more than that, in a lifetime, and find the strength to get back up. How do the successful people in life manage to keep pressing forward after sometimes seemingly insurmountable setbacks? The Resiliency Advantage Resiliency, the … [Read more...]
The VIA Advantage: Learning to Play to Your Strengths
The VIA Advantage: Learning to Play to Your Strengths Our culture accentuates the negative. From report cards to annual performance reviews at work to television advertising, we most often hear what’s wrong with us, what our weaknesses are, where we fall short and what we need to do to improve. Wouldn’t it be amazing to live in a world where everyone’s strengths were recognized, validated, encouraged, and celebrated? There are … [Read more...]