6 Steps for Epic Success in 2017 Our results are only as good as our plan. When you take on a particular project, you meet with your team to strategize. Formulating the steps and methods you need to follow to realize your intended goal keeps your “eyes on the prize,” and having a roadmap to keep you in check along the way helps steer the course. Success in life works the same way. To create and live the life you desire, you need to take the … [Read more...]
7 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Make 2017 The Best Year Yet!
7 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Make 2017 The Best Year Yet As we move toward the end of another year, it’s that time again. Time to reflect on the past 365 days and look at how we can make the next year even better. Time to focus on discipline and determination. Out with the old you and in with the new, right? In other words, resolution time. For many, “New Year’s … [Read more...]
What Sets Great Mentors Apart From Others?
What Sets Great Mentors Apart From Others? One of the single most humbling moments for an individual is when he or she is asked to mentor another. Not only is it an honor to be recognized for your acumen, wisdom, and knowledge, but it’s an enormous compliment to have someone desire to follow your lead and learn from your journey of success. Of course, in addition to feeling honored and well-respected by this show of appreciation, it’s also … [Read more...]
Empathy the Crucial Key to Sales Success
Empathy the Crucial Key to Sales Success As a sales rep, no matter what your selling, or to whom, there is a preconceived idea that you may not be all that trustworthy. Thank the age-old stereotype of the slick “used car salesman”. You know the guy- the pushy, smarmy, and insistent person who doesn’t take no for an answer. In fact, because of this caricature, many people avoid interacting with sales reps by dodging phone calls, not answering … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Build Credibility as a Leader
7 Ways to Build Credibility as a Leader Leadership, for some, can seem out of reach, a quality that appears to be something certain people are born with; ascribed, not achieved. However, So, how do we know where we’re lacking and need to improve? And what steps can be taken to begin building a credible reputation? Gauging Your Credibility Judging your own credibility is impossible. Even in a position of leadership, when you’re brimming … [Read more...]