6 Leadership Styles that Bring Out the Best in Your Team Did you know that sixty-two percent of top-performing companies say the most important factor to improve their organization’s agility is the right leadership team? It is no easy task becoming a leader of a group. What makes a quality leader? Is there a lesson plan to follow to ensure your team stays motivated and inspired? Are authoritarian leaders any more successful than those who share … [Read more...]
8 Things Resilient Leaders Do When When the Chips Are Down
8 Things Resilient Leaders Do When When the Chips Are Down Winning and success: there’s no better experience in business and life. Wouldn’t it be awesome if your life, in and out of work was a series of successful outcomes, motivating and inspiring you along the way? But, as we all know . Misfortune, failing, and going up against seemingly insurmountable odds aren’t the most appealing aspect of being in leadership. However, they are part of the … [Read more...]
10 Reasons Why Spending Time Alone Makes You More Successful
10 Reasons Why Spending Time Alone Makes You More Successful “Without great solitude no serious work is possible.” ~ Pablo Picasso Do you like to spend time alone? Do you enjoy solitude? I relish my alone time and make it a daily priority. Some people may find that hard to believe because I am outgoing, love people a great deal and enjoy connecting with others. When I talk about solitude, I am not talking about sitting at home bingeing on my … [Read more...]
12 Habits for Developing the Leader Within
12 Habits for Developing the Leader Within We’ve all heard strong, in-control, and motivating individuals referred to as “born leaders,” which begs the question: Are all leaders born? Or, can a person learn to lead? In some cases, some individuals seem to have innate skills when it comes to leadership. They are hard-wired to lead, and they’re the ones others come to for guidance, turn to in a crisis, look to for motivation, and strive to … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Boost Your Attitude Toward Work and Life
8 Ways to Boost Your Attitude Toward Work and Life “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” - Albert Einstein One of the most important steps you can take to increase your chance of success in your work, relationships, and every area of life is to develop a positive mental attitude. Each of us, at one time or another, has encountered that person for whom life holds nothing but the promise of good and they look forward to all of it … [Read more...]