How to Recognize Burnout in Your Team and What You Can Do About It Workplaces are getting more and more demanding and involved, plus many of us now work in 24/7/365 environments where stress and burnout are all too familiar. It can be tough enough to manage your stress, let alone the stress of others. So how do you, as a manager and leader help the members of your team handle their feelings of stress, disengagement, or … [Read more...]
6 Leadership Styles that Bring Out the Best in Your Team
6 Leadership Styles that Bring Out the Best in Your Team Did you know that sixty-two percent of top-performing companies say the most important factor to improve their organization’s agility is the right leadership team? It is no easy task becoming a leader of a group. What makes a quality leader? Is there a lesson plan to follow to ensure your team stays motivated and inspired? Are authoritarian leaders any more successful than those who share … [Read more...]
8 Things Resilient Leaders Do When When the Chips Are Down
8 Things Resilient Leaders Do When When the Chips Are Down Winning and success: there’s no better experience in business and life. Wouldn’t it be awesome if your life, in and out of work was a series of successful outcomes, motivating and inspiring you along the way? But, as we all know . Misfortune, failing, and going up against seemingly insurmountable odds aren’t the most appealing aspect of being in leadership. However, they are part of the … [Read more...]
Rewarding Your Team Members for a Job Well Done
Rewarding Your Team Members for a Job Well Done A quality team can be difficult to build and sustain. Discovering that unique dynamic that causes your people to rise to the occasion, often going above and beyond to achieve the goals of the company, might even seem like an urban legend. You’ve heard of this workplace utopia, but how can you find such a group of motivated individuals who are goal-oriented and engaged with one another? The most … [Read more...]
What Sets Great Mentors Apart From Others?
What Sets Great Mentors Apart From Others? One of the single most humbling moments for an individual is when he or she is asked to mentor another. Not only is it an honor to be recognized for your acumen, wisdom, and knowledge, but it’s an enormous compliment to have someone desire to follow your lead and learn from your journey of success. Of course, in addition to feeling honored and well-respected by this show of appreciation, it’s also … [Read more...]